Wednesday, April 25, 2018

One True Law

I encountered many troubles through the course of this project, most obviously what to actually make it about. I wanted to create a video that spoke to me on a personal level, which in my opinion will often speak to many others more truthfully than any amount of guesswork I can muster up.

In our current cultural climate, feelings seem to reign supreme, over even basic components of modern society such as truth and freedom of speech. I feel frustrated, stifled in the most extreme of circumstances, with what I view to be a coddling of our youth against the harshness of reality.

So, my frustrations were poured into this video, as a small slice of what I feel. Twenty thousand years ago, humanity struggled just as these animals struggle: against predators, the harshness of the elements, and the suddenness of death from all sides. I feel the significance of our place in the world has been lost in the sea of political rhetoric and absolute comfort. People view minor inconveniences as major transgressions, and see the modern West as an unforgiving hellscape, despite never having to forage for their own food or fight off predators.

Even our most basic biological functions are seen as transgressions. Eating meat in any context is evil, and most especially hunting for one's meat, as if such animals as boars and deer would live perfectly comfortable, full lives were they freed from the quick shot of a hunter's rifle.

I wanted to juxtapose the hypocrisy of anti-hunting advocates with the reality of life in the wild. I wanted to prove to these people the One True Law of nature: death. This isn't some cynical worldview by any stretch. I love nature for its ferocity and its beauty, not just the nature which is cultivated as purely welcoming, free of suffering, neutered and humanized in ways which only disrespect it.

Humans are certainly the kindest of all predators the Earth has ever seen. Other apex predators care none for the fear, suffering, or dignity of their prey. As seen in the clip of the gentleman hunting a boar, the animal is shot in the head and killed instantly, as opposed to the many instances of predators chucking their prey from heights, bleeding them out after a vicious mauling, and even chasing them just as they'd given birth, to soon devour the newborn. This is the nature I know: vicious, beautiful, and ours to experience as the apex predators we are lucky enough to be.

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